Main Entry: CORNY
3: mawkishly old-fashioned : tiresomely simple and sentimental
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Take Me To The Moon Young Lady...
The first Foxy Lady I see with these on, I think I'll get on one knee and ask for her hand in Marriage. Especially If I ask her for the time and her wrist is wrapped with that watch, SMH
Hey big head, These are some really hot sneakers!!!Where did you find them? I'm trying to get out of rocking VANS. Then again i'm turning 26 and is it very appropriate to still be wear sneakers like the one in the picture?????
So one day when I got in from work, very tired and hungry. I fixed up two Veggie Burgers and six veggie Fish Sticks. As I was eating and looking at the "CHICKS" on my wall, I said to myself, "Self, how come you don't BLOG?" And now I'm here. And in here you will find the ingredients of Ron Bass. So what you are about to witness is just my thoughts Ladies and Gentleman. Oh, and my feelings on the many things that make me scream out "CANNON BALL"
Hey big head,
ReplyDeleteThese are some really hot sneakers!!!Where did you find them? I'm trying to get out of rocking VANS. Then again i'm turning 26 and is it very appropriate to still be wear sneakers like the one in the picture?????
You junior high school love