Not for me, do it for your Mother and Grand Parents
who paved the way and tried to make a better "Days"
for you and I. We all chanted and screamed for "CHANGE"
so why not do a little changing within yourself. Now I'm
no Angel but C'mon enough is enough.

Homeboy, This isn't nice

Females too, leave something for the imagination.
Although it can be a major turn-on,
its still time for change.
And if you must "Bust A Sag" for the sake of
height restriction (i.e. I'm 6'4 and almost nobody
makes 31 waist by 36 length, so I'm stuck with 32
and 34 length.) or you just like the way it feels, make
sure your shirt is at a decent length where its covering
your business. Maybe even tucking it in shown here in Exhibit A.
Exhibit A

Tip For The Saggers: If something drops on the
floor or your shoelace is untied, just leave it be for. Save
us the sight of seeing your undergarments and private areas.
And as you all may know, in some places it is now a crime,
sad but true. So please be careful and smarten up.

I agree with you on this. I mean I'm tired of feeling that eveytime I sit in a chair, someone sitting there before me has left moisture from their buttocks. Gross, pull them up people! Pull them up.To start, they should purchase them to fit.